Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The moment I knew I was an American.

I never really had any one moment where I said to myself wow, I’m an American. But when you look at who I am, I’m a very American boy. I play football. I can be very close-minded. I love fat food, fast cars, and pretty girls, as the saying goes. I don’t think that kids my age usually have any one moment where they knew they were an American. I’m proud to be American, but not necessarily proud of how Americans are portrayed around the world. I don’t really have an opinion on the war, but I support the troops serving for our country. I wouldn’t even mind being in the military one day. I've had a pretty fully American experience in my life time though. I've been to 49 states and we have plans to go to the last one (Hawaii) next Christmas. I think that going to every state is very American because what’s more American than seeing every part of your country?? So I would say I am very American in general, but I don’t have any specific time when I recognized I was especially American. I was raised American and I will definitely stay this way the rest of my life. So to the rest of my fellow Americans, I bid you ado.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Us vs. Them...Us and Them.

I think that what pushes people to be to do the wrong thing is all the pressure of the world around us. From the ads we see every day that tell us that we aren't good enough.  To our friends telling us to try things and do thats that we may not be comftorable with doing.

Another reason people start to do the wrong thing is that they are put in a postition where they could be in trouble and it might be the only option. Pretty much eveyone who commits a crime, (which is doing something bad.) They are pushed into committing that crime out of neccessity, or atleast they had a motive.

Peer pressure is huge in our society today and can be seen everyday from small childern, all the way to up fully grown adults. There are so many examples of peer pressure to nasme them all. But what pushes people into doing something bad, is most often because the persons friends told them to do it. I think we give in to peer pressure so much in our society because we are grown up being taught that we should trust our friends and part of being a good friend is listening to their advice. Which eventually leads to having our friends put peer pressure on us, and we are programmed to listen to them.

So, overall I think the reason people are pushed to doing something bad is from the ads we see around us, because of the position we are put in, and peer pressure. We should all stay away from these bad situations!!! :)