Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the hands of an angry god.

This reading was a bit...scary the first time you read it. With all the talk of gods wrath and how were all sinners destined for hell. I think this would be very discouraging for anyone reading it because it seems like there no chance for anyone during their lifetime. That no matter what you do your going to fail at being perfect in the eyes of god. So if I had heard this when John Edwards first spoke it. My first reaction would be terror. Then I would feel angry knowing there was no hope in my life at being pure in god's eyes.

Secondly, this makes god seem to be always a vengeful god. Smiting everyone all the time for any sin. Which most people who believe in god, don't believe that he is always angry. The bible portrays god to be a loving giver of life, who is the starter and ender of all time and being as we know it. But John Edwards seems to think that god in just chilling up in heaven, waiting for us to sin so that he can destroy our lives.

So overall, I feel like John Edwards may have a point about how were all sinners but all he is doing is scaring people by preaching this, and if I were alive when this was first being preached I wouldn't like it at all.

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