Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jay and Nick

Jay enormously wealthy man, and then you have Nick Carraway, who doesn't have even close to the amount of money as the people around him. So it's understandable when we doubt the friendship that the two begin to have and is soon becoming so close.

The main reason why a reader would doubt this friendship is because they come from such different backgrounds, Nick is new to the town, whereas Jay has been there some time and has established himself in the cultural society. Another reason why we need to doubt this friendship is because we suspect at this point that Jay is just using Nick to get to Daisy, his cousin, in which Jay is madly in love with. So Jay could see being friends with Nick as a chance to get closer to Daisy, rather than having a legitimate friendship with him.

Now don't go thinking that this using of the friendship is all one sided, it's very easy to think that Nick could be using Jay to get more popular among the upper class of the west egg. Being good friends with the guy who throws the most parties in the upper class can't hurt when your trying to make friends.

So don't buy into this friendship yet guys!!!

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