Wednesday, May 4, 2011

rough draftttt

Three friends sitting around a table, set for a summer picnic dinner, they chat and reminisce, talking of times they have had and thinking about the future experiences still awaiting them. They look around to see a plump turkey, waiting to be cut slice by slice and passed around to each of the three hungry families. Alongside the turkey, there is a pot of mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, ham, stuffing, bread rolls, almost every trimming you can think of.

After some time through the dinner one of the boys, mason has brought up a very fond memory of the three boys, the time they took a trip to Wisconsin together for a week, to go to the dells and have a little vacation to themselves before the football season officially kicked off again, even though they had been practicing for months now.

Mason said to both Eduardo and Dontrell,

"Do you remember playing water basketball at the first hotel we stayed at?"

"yeah" replied Dontrell,

"When buddy was hitting every shot on you?"

The three all laughed as teasing each other was a big part of their friendship, but they all knew it was just for fun.

The trio continued deep into the dinner talking about the Wisconsin trip, as well as many of the experiences from football in the past years. The next season that will start legal practice soon, would be Mason, Eduardo, and Dontrell's junior season, and it was expected to be good season for their school, the Malcolm X Whales.

All three had been working hard for the last three years now to get the positions they held today. In fact, the school football team was how they met and gotten close with each other so you could really attribute their friendship to the game they love.

Mason, Eduardo, and Dontrell, then went downstairs, to just relax and play a couple of their favorite video games. They wouldn’t usually be all that competitive, although there would be trash talk throughout every game that was put into the game system. (Usually started by Dontrell)

The three made their way up to the bed two stories above them, in Mason's room. Once there, they start getting ready for bed and Dontrell says

"I call the left side."

"Fine, then I've got the right side!" says Mason.

''So I'm just in the middle then. Huh" Eduardo says reluctantly.

But the spots were already called out and there was no debating it.

The lights went off and before too long, the three drifted asleep, ready to start a new day, ready to make more memories.

Monday, April 25, 2011

song evaluation...

Your subtleties, they strangle me
I can't explain myself at all
And all the wants and all the needs
All I don't want to need at all.

This stanza, I believe is expressing a discontent within a relationship. In this case the male of the relationship is unhappy; this is shown in the first line, saying that he doesn't like the little things about the girl.

The walls start breathing, my mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone
A weight is lifted on this evening
I give the final blow.

This second stanza is saying that after some thought, the guy decides he needs his space, and by her leaving him alone, he feels much better. I believe that the final line "I give the final blow means that he broke up with her officially.


It ends tonight, it ends tonight

A falling star, at least I fall alone
I can't explain what you can explain
You're finding things that you didn't know
I look at you with such disdain

This is the third stanza and again the male in the relationship is expressing discontent in the relationship, saying things like I look at you with disdain, is a major red flag in a relationship.

The walls start breathing, my mind's unweaving
Maybe it's best you leave me alone
A weight is lifted on this evening
I give the final blow

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight, it ends tonight
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight, it ends tonight, it ends tonight

Now I'm on my own side
It's better than being on your side

It's my fault when you're blind
Its better that I see it through your eyes
All these thoughts locked inside
Now you're the first to know

The fourth stanza is pretty much giving reason for the breaking up of the girl in the relationship. By saying it's my fault when you're blind; it's saying that she doesn't fully understand him.

When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight, it ends tonight
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight, it ends tonight

This is the chorus of the song and it is saying that it can't be changed, that the relationship is over, that there is nothing else to say, it’s over.

It ends when darkness turns to light
It ends tonight, it ends tonight
Just a little insight won't make this right
It's too late to fight, it ends tonight, it ends tonight

Tonight, inside
When darkness turns to light
It ends tonight

Copied from

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life on the Reservation

Life on an Indian reservation has both its ups and downs. On one hand, your part of a community of people who care about each other and are willing to share their recourses, but on the other hand, there are very limited recourses to go around in most reservations, so usually most of the people live in poverty. Gambling is allowed on Indian reservations so that brings in a lot of the wealth that is spread throughout the tribe. This is necessary because the Indian reservations are not given a lot of money by the government.

The major upside of life on a reservation is the comradery of the people that live on the reservation. The Indian people have a proud heritage and background, and have long been known for their kindness and sharing nature. This is shown in the fact that all of the money that the Indian reservation brings in is split between the tribe.

I’m not really sure this is a good thing but, the Indian reservations are not bound by U.S law, so Indian tribe members can escape the law if they have to by going to their reservation, this can obviously be abused. But nevertheless, it is part of reservation life.

If I had the potion to live on an Indian reservation, I would not, mostly because the average person does not seem to have a luxurious life style, but also because I am so comfortable with my current lifestyle it would be hard to make a change so drastic

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

winter poem

Snow falling, a winters night falling apon the sky, the black sky outside your window, a chirstmas tree in every window, christmas in every house on the block, ginger bread houses on every table, gingerbeard cookies for every stomach, every stomach full by the end of the holidays,

Holidays, a time to live, love, and laugh with all those around you.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jay and Nick

Jay enormously wealthy man, and then you have Nick Carraway, who doesn't have even close to the amount of money as the people around him. So it's understandable when we doubt the friendship that the two begin to have and is soon becoming so close.

The main reason why a reader would doubt this friendship is because they come from such different backgrounds, Nick is new to the town, whereas Jay has been there some time and has established himself in the cultural society. Another reason why we need to doubt this friendship is because we suspect at this point that Jay is just using Nick to get to Daisy, his cousin, in which Jay is madly in love with. So Jay could see being friends with Nick as a chance to get closer to Daisy, rather than having a legitimate friendship with him.

Now don't go thinking that this using of the friendship is all one sided, it's very easy to think that Nick could be using Jay to get more popular among the upper class of the west egg. Being good friends with the guy who throws the most parties in the upper class can't hurt when your trying to make friends.

So don't buy into this friendship yet guys!!!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A classmate that I'm thankful for.

I'm going to go with the popular vote here and say I'm thankful for Alaina Stacey!! I wouldn’t like this class as much as I do without her. Not only is she an amazing classmate, but she's a good friend of mine outside of school. Not to mention my future wife, according to Mr. McCarthy. Who knows! I'd be lucky to have her as my wife. I don't think I've ever met someone who cares about everyone else before herself like Alaina does. I always come to her with a problem and she knows exactly what I should do, even if I don’t believer her at first, in the end, she’s always right. She has an AMAZING singing voice, which she is incredibly modest about.

I can’t imagine my life without Alaina, she lives a block away from my house and goes to my church, so I get to see a lot of Ms. Stacey, but that’s a good thing. I can never have to much Alaina in my life. :) Everyone who knows Alaina knows how special she is, and i think I’m one of those people. So Alaina, don't change a thing I love you exactly the way you are.

I am a Plow

Wow. I am a plow....not exactly something that’s all that easy to write about. Lets start of at the top, plows...well that’s a farm tool, used to get the dirt ready for seeds of next years crops. So i guess you could say that we're like plows in that what we do today is paving the way for our kids (were the plows and our kids are the seeds.) So that they can grow up and be successful, and so that they can learn from the experiences we are gaining now, just like our parents did for us.

Looking at it that way, I don’t see being a plow as such a bad thing, I don’t know about everyone else but when I grow up I plan on having lots of children (many with Alaina... :)) but all joking aside I want my kids to have the best chance they can in this world and if that means me having to learn something’s for myself so that my kids wont make the same mistakes, then I believe that’s what I need to do. Just like how our parents taught us from the experiences they had.

I am a plow, and I'm okay with that, because I'm paving the way for my kids, which are going to be the most important thing in my life, so they need someone looking out for them before they're even here, and I'm going to be that someone, by being a plow.