Monday, November 8, 2010

Modern day slavery

I think there is definitely is modern day slavery, in numerous different forms around the world. Almost all are frowned upon because the very idea of anyone being held against their will to do anything at all is unacceptable.

One form of slavery is in major world-wide corporations like Nike, among many others. These corporations use child labor in third world countries because there’s no one to monitor the children and no one to enforce child labor laws. The corporations try to downplay the fact that they use sweatshops because it makes them look bad. But if you ask why they use sweatshops to a Nike executive they'll probably say because it stimulates the economy there because by giving the kids a job, they can bring that money home to their parents to help support their whole family. But this isn’t all true because at the sweatshops the workers get paid so little that it barely helps their family at all because there’s no minimum wage.

Another form of modern day slavery is the sex slave trade. This can be found all over the world, but one place where is extremely popular is Russia, because their government doesn’t crack down on human trafficking as other countries, it has only become bigger as time goes by. This starts usually at a young age for girls and by the end of it, most of the women are addicted to drugs and have huge issues, such as self confidence and they can't trust any men anymore.

Any type of modern day slavery should be stopped because it brings nothing but harm to the people who are the "slaves". These are human beings and should be treated as such.

1 comment:

  1. When I read the section about human trafficking, I wondered if these men/women had a choice. Because I see this situation very much like prostitution. There was this TV report on the women in the prostitution business. Some HAD the choice to choose a different life (which some did, but they returned to being a prostitute at the end), but they didn't follow through. What I cannot figure out is that if they did have the chance to walk out of human trafficking, why didn't they? That bothers me the most, how some "slaves" choose to be abused for the rest of their lives.
